Nature's Reflection

i feel connected i feel here

i feel bliss and i let go of fear

sitting here, one with the earth

i start to remember my deepest worth

exploring, i feel humility arise

being in nature, i realize my size

i’m a piece of the universe, so very small

in fact the universe doesn’t need me at all

but at the same time i am so great

im so sure of this when i’m in this state

the universe experiencing itself is me

i give the universe the ability to see

i’m humble and know i’m just one tiny part

but i’m also the universe with a mind and a heart

i have the ability to think and feel

i have the powers to hurt and heal

but just like the water i settle and flow

just like the air i expand and i grow

just like a rock, i can just be

just like the leaves, i am so free

we tend to feel separate but really we’re not

i know this so deeply as i sit in this spot

my butt in the rocks my feet in the sand

a spider on my foot and a fly on my hand

within everything i feel this connection

i look at all nature and see my reflection