i want to write a poem
about what? i’m not sure
i just want to write and i want it to be pure
i want to express and put my soul into words
give others a feeling or a hope to lean towards
to step into my essence
my internal
my being
to allow others to feel what i feel
a lovely agreeing
agreeing with life. agreeing with now
accepting the moment
the wonder
but how?
the problem is there …
you can’t ask , you must do
let go of the question and instead be just you
be me , be you, be soul, be here
feel encompassing love and dissolve all aspects of fear
for love overpowers
it sprinkles it showers
like rain on the earth
it grows into flowers
rain isn’t always loved but still love it creates
it doesn’t care what you feel, it doesn’t care if you hate
it will continue to fall, to show up, to provide
giving to all, growing much, it won’t subside
so instead of running and putting up a shield
accept the rain and all it may yield
close your umbrella
accept the sweet fella
hey lovely rain
i’m feeling grateful you tell her
you may get me wet
you may soak my clothes
but without you
nothing here grows
i’m no longer scared
i’ll no longer hide
i accept the love of the rain
i’m now soaked with pride
water dripping down the cheek of my face
an eternal feeling, released but never erased
allow it to flow
allow it to show
let the rain fall
allow it all. let it go