
I love every stone. I love every tree.

I love every bone that's inside of me.

I love the entire ground; also the grass and the lakes.

I love my own sound, even when my voice shakes.

I love the bees and the birds.

I love the plants green and brown.

I love my knees and my words.

I love my hands, nose, and frown.

There is nothing in nature that is out of place.

I'm a natural creature and I belong in this space.

Just as I love what's around me,

I also love what's within.

All the beauty that surrounds me,

Is just the yang to the yin.

We're all made from the same.

From a source of light and love.

So to love only part is a shame,

For what's below is always above.

So I love myself as a tree,

I accept all parts as they are.

And when I'm feeling lost or can't see,

I know a tree is never too far.

I can go outside and find one,

Remind myself of this connection.

I'll hug it and then when I'm done,

I realize it's just my reflection.

I am hugging myself, I'm the tree.

I love it. And I also love me.