• Rain - Our Earth Warrior

    Traveling Entrepreneur. Creative Enthusiast. Free-Spirit Earth Warrior.

  • Who Am I?


    Well, who am I not? I am Morgan but I go by Rain. I’m a being of love who has been on this beautiful Earth for 20 years. I struggled enjoying life for a long time due to mental illness and lack of proper awareness and tools. Eventually I got the assistance I needed, and I not only overcame my depression, but I learned to thrive. 


    I have spent my life breaking free from the standards of society, following my deepest desires and passions, and creating a reality shaped how I want, regardless of what anyone says. I’m a creative enthusiast and I spend almost every waking moment expressing my truest self, whether that be through art, words, relationships, movement, love, etc. 


    I want nothing more in life than to inspire people. We can show people the good in life, but the most fulfilling is showing people the power, love, and capabilities they have within themselves. Seeing someone have this realization and eureka is the best experience I could have, because knowing from my own experience, it can be the most life changing (and lifesaving) moment ever. 


    Everyone in life deserves love. Everyone deserves freedom, peace, acceptance, and fun. Everyone deserves to be seen, heard, and appreciated. And everyone deserves to live the life they desire.


    I am Rain and I am an Earth warrior. I speak for the trees, stand up for the voiceless, and support our mother Earth; for we would not be alive without her. I spread awareness about ideas that need to be heard, I fight for the rights of all (sentient and not), and I put all my energy into making myself, others, and this world a better place.


    I accept all as it is and ride the waves of our existence, for every wave is a beautiful experience with something new to teach us. 


    I am Rain and I love you. I appreciate you. And I mirror you. You are worth more than you could ever know, and you are capable of all. Thank you for reading my words and thank you for existing. Next time you experience the rain, know you are loved. 


  • Earth Warrior Wellness Podcast

    My words within these casts focus on wellness. This includes human, animal, earth, and general wellness; physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness; and love and interaction with a community we will create together. 
    I send my love to you through my words.

  • Poems

    Creation and expression in the form of words.

    More poems can be found across Rain's social media accounts.

    if i were a man, i could have my chest out without anybody turning their heads. if i were a...
    a soul as words read between the lines space between the soul sacred moments aligned ...
    i want to write a poem about what? i’m not sure i just want to write and i want it to be pure...
  • Featured Article

  • Contact Me

    Reach out to Rain.

    Maryland, United States
  • Connect With Me

    See the latest updates on my social media accounts.

    Morgan Warfield instagram. online blogging. human equality, spiritual healing journey, visual arts, movement arts, intentional community
    Morgan Warfield LinkedIn. young female entrepreneur, young female business owner, financial freedom, remote work
    Morgan Warfield Youtube. travel vlogs, video edits, international nomad life and female artist
    Morgan Warfield Pinterest. collection of spiritual, artist, creative, travel, entrepreneur, and intentional content
    Morgan Warfield Facebook. account for female traveler and artist entrepreneur blogs, art, and life journey
    Morgan Warfield Twitter. tweets of daily poems, spiritual inspiration, nomadic and remote work journey updates
    Earth Warrior Wellness Podcast. podcast for spiritual wellness, healing mental illness, and saving the environment