I Am a Woman

if i were a man, i could have my chest out without anybody turning their heads.

if i were a man, i could keep my legs unshaved for months without having to feel insecure about it.

if i were a man, i could have sex with whoever i wanted, whenever i wanted, without worrying about being called a h*e, sl*t, wh*re, tr*mp, easy, sk*nk, etc.

if i were a man i could do a lot of things without thinking twice about it.

but i’m not a man… so i can’t.

but i’ve come to realize that i CAN do any of these things without thinking twice about it.

because it’s not ME who’s uncomfortable with these things, it’s society.

society teaches women to be certain ways and stay within our “comfort zones”.

but it’s not women who are uncomfortable with themselves… it’s society who is uncomfortable with us.

so now i do what i want.

i will feel comfortable with all the beautiful choices i make and society can continue to feel uncomfortable.

i am a woman and i do what i want.

i am a woman and i love it.

i am a woman and i am comfortable making society uncomfortable.